It started with a #4 on the circuit assembly. Then an interview on how it wasn't till we held to the restrictions for disfellowshipping that my sister made moves to return to Jehovah. (She said so herself) Now she's Faded big time. Then an instruction talk on the C.A. Then speaking part on the CA. Then a part with three other elders about kids wearing slovenly clothes and sports jackets, what a threat! Then a Talk at the District convention three years in a row,. The first was an talk and interview with missionaries returning from El Salvador. The second was a manuscript and the last one being the release of the Education Brochure. (whoop'dee'doo)
Note: I was escourted to the platform by a Bethel elder when I gave the manuscript talk. He also escorted me from the platform. While giving the talk I came to a series of questions, I read the second two but missed the first. Since the rest of the manuscript answered all three in order, I quickly mentioned the first question last, no one noticed. While walking from the platform the Bethel elder said, "Nice job". I said thanks. It wasn't too bad considering I had to rewrite part of it." He looked like he crapped his pants... "What do you mean you rewrote it!" What a moron. So, I explained about the mix up with the questions and he said, "Whew, ok." I could have said anything up there if I was so inclined. The boys in the upstairs room were following along with thier manuscripts and knew what was up.
I was appointed elder in 93 and had my first DC part in 93. The local body were green with envy. Hey, when you're good, you're good.
Who cares now?